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Equador Mountains

Ecuador Mountains by <<<ALIEN>>> is one of my favourite CTF maps. Very RMG feel to it with the classic 3 ways of attack. Centre, Left using a tunnel or right through the mountains. Highly recommended for CTF
Thanks to -[FC]- FUN ZONE for introducing me to this one.
  Download 4.33MB |

This is the long awaited release of the ultimate SOF2 Demo Viewer by Infrequent. ReFrag soon became an essential tool for SOF2 movie makers and you will see it in the credits of all the best SOF2 videos.
ReFrag2 is the new improved version with even more features and a much improved user interface. ReFrag2 is not just a tool for movie makers though, it's also an excellent stand alone demo player that lets you analyse every players move from every angle.
Unfortunately ReFrag2 does not support v1.00 but if you play Sof2 Gold this is a must have tool.
Download 6.24MB |
Custom Maps
Columbian Village by The Tech
Columbian Village by The Tech is a remake of a map from 2003 by Siffer. If you like Jordan the chances are you will like this. A very nice well illuminated map with plenty of alleyways for you to explore. Well worth the download.

Download 1.76MB | Rating
Deck 21 by sL@pNuT$
Deck21 is sL@pNuT$ second map. Inspired by Doom3. It looks more detailed and textured than most SOF2 maps and features new backlighting and shadowing techniques.

Download 9MB | Rating

more maps>

Playing SOF2 v1.00

Some time ago when re-installing SoF2 and before adding the gold patch to bring my 3 year old CD up to date, I noticed there were lots of servers still running version 1.00 I decided to do a duplicate SOF2 installation in a second folder on my PC, but running v1.00. I have to say its like another dimension with many hundreds of players never seen on the gold version. You can add v1.00 in about 4 minutes, why not give it a try:) There are more people playing RMG than on gold!!
Read More>

Playing SOF2 v1.03

Some months after SoF2 was launched a number of modifications were made to the original game which included bug fixes, new weapons, Punkbuster anti cheat software and additional maps. This update, called the Gold Patch changed your original game to v1.03. It was intended to replace to 1.00 version but if you make a copy of your original v1.00 files before applying the patch you can still play both versions.
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SOF2 problems

 This page was last updated       Friday, 28 May 2021....

How to create SOF2 to play on any PC/Laptop from a USB drive.

Copy the entire folder of your already installed game of SOF2,the default installation is usually found at...
C:\Program Files\Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix you then have to paste this complete folder on to a USB drive the folder size is around 1.3GB depending on how many maps you have in the base folder so a 2GB USB drive should be big enough.

Once you have done this you can take the USB drive and play the game on another PC/Laptop where the game is not installed as all the files required are in the folder on the USB drive.
When you open up the folder  look down the list to a file called SoF2MP this is an application file all you have to do is Dbbl. click on this and the game will start up.....

If you have RPMpro go to the RPMpro folder dbbl click and you will see down the list of files a windows batch file called RPM_Start_Game Dbbl. click on this and the game will start up.....

Remember to allow this to work through any firewalls you may have running to access the internet for multiplayer......

Server not showing in the SOF2 Games List.
If your game server is not listed in the SOF2 Games List try checking what the current Ip is for the

To do this open a command prompt by typing cmd in the start/run box.... when the cmd appears click on it and open it up, in the command box type ping you will see an IP address in brackets and this is the IP you have to put in your server.cfg for your server as sv_master1  .


Setting up a Home SOF2 Server. As written by m8 (GohfiK~)
Setting up a Home Server :
Here are a few tips on how to setup a dedicated SOF2 home server on Port 20102 and get it seen by the outside world:

1. Create a stand-alone version of SOF2 to use just for the server. Copy the contents of SOF2 C:\Program Files\Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix\ to a new folder C:\SOF2server

2. If you’re on Windows Vista or above change the C:\SOF2server folder Security permissions for Users to “Full Control” to allow SoF2MP.exe to write to files and folders in C:\SOF2server.

3. Copy extra custom maps into C:\SOF2server\base

4. Copy the rpm folder into C:\SOF2server\rpm along with the mod files and configure the server settings.

Make sure the following setting for the master server list is included:

seta sv_master1 ""

Remove settings for rconpassword, fs_game, sv_pure, dedicated, net_port. These will be set using the command line in the program shortcut.

5. Find C:\SOF2server\SoF2MP.exe and create a shortcut to it (Right click > Create shortcut). Edit the properties of the shortcut to add the following command line parameters to the Target details.

Target: C:\SOF2server\SoF2MP.exe +set rconpassword mypassword +set fs_game rpm +set sv_pure 0 +set dedicated 2 +set net_port 20102 +exec server.cfg

6. Check the PC’s firewall settings. Allow SoF2MP through the firewall. Need to at least allow TCP Port 20102. (Simpler just to turn the firewall off).

7. Set up Router Port Redirection. Login to your router admin web page and find the NAT Setup section with the Port Redirection settings.

Public Port: 20102

Protocols: TCP and UDP

Private IP: 192.168.x.x Set this to the Fixed IP of your SOF2 server PC

Private Port: 20102

(***For details on Port Forwarding***)

8. Start the server using the “SoF2MP.exe – shortcut” you created earlier.

9. Finished. Say hello to your new home server which should appear in the master server list after a minute or two.

N.B. When you try to join the home server yourself, use the “Source: Local” server list to find and connect to your local SOF2 server.

Remote players will use the Internet master server list to connect to your home server.

Hope this helps a bit.

m8 (GohfiK~)

Many thanks to m8 (GohfiK~) for these tips on how to set up a Home SOF2 Server..........


Setting up a Favourite Server List in Qtracker by DooGie

Setting up a Favourite Server list in Qtracker:
This is a very helpful tutorial written by
DooGie (aka -=Garbage DinGo=-) .......

There are probably several ways of doing it but this is the way I favour. Down the left hand side of Qtracker there should be a list of various games. Right click on the Soldier of Fortune 2 entry and from the drop down menu select New / Folder, a new folder will be created. You can rename this folder to whatever you want ie SOF2 1.0. Right click the SOF2 icon in Qtracker and select find internet games , this should bring up a list of online servers in the right hand pane of Qtracker, mine shows 135 servers at the moment. Find a SOF2 v1.0 server you want to play on and drag and drop the server over to your newly created folder. If you then open this folder you will see the server you have just dropped there appear in the right hand pane of qtracker. Next step is to right click the new folder and select "Specify install location of this program". Select Soldier of Fortune II, you can then use the browse button to select the correct sof2mp.exe for the version of game you have dropped into the folder. So for instance if you have both SOF2 v1.00 and SOF2 v1.02 installed you would create 2 new folders v1.0 and v1.02 and in the v1.02 directory drop v1.02 games in from the Qtracker list and point the folder to the correct sof2mp.exe. This way you can easily build up lists of favourite servers. Hope this helps.  Click on link to see how I have Qtracker set out.


No SOF2 Server list in Game Browser
This is a replacement servercache.dat file for SOF2 V1 to replace the missing server list some people are experiencing...........
Download and extract to the SOF2 directory.
C:\Program Files\Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix
Download 4.59KB | Rating
A lot of people are having problems with No Server List in the SOF2 in game browser, this is due to some problem with the Master Server......
There are several ways of connecting to servers..........

1. If you know the IP address of a server you can type in the game console \connect ???.???.???.???:????? (? the numbers of the address) and hit return.
2. If you already had added servers to your Favorites you can connect using that.
3. Use a program that finds game servers such as:

Hope this helps .........


Setting the correct Network Settings and reduce LAG
Many people join servers with the default network settings for SOF2,this causes problems for players as when the game was made the majority of people connected to the internet using 56k modems. The problem that is experienced is LAG this means that the game does not run smoothly and players as a result don't get the best out of the game.

There are 2 ways to correct this problem........

The first way is to use the game set up option:-
When in the game Press the Esc key, then along the top of the screen select Options, on this page the last icon on the right is the Network settings. When you have selected the Network Settings at the top of the list is Rate.
Once you click Rate you cycle through the different connection types... You need to show your connection type and then once it appears on the screen press the Esc key again to return to the game.

The second way to set your RATE in the game is to Press the Console key (the console key is ` ) This is to the left << of 1 on my keyboard. Once the console is open type in \rate 15000 then close the console by pressing the Console key again.


Playing SOF2 in widescreen

Thanks to 3urn for this information...
Missed out on playing SOF II in widescreen or high resolution?  Look no further, click below to download squ1zzy resolution patch.  This will bring new life to your SOF II game with sharper looking graphics for you to enjoy.
Download the file : HERE. 

Install notes:
1.  Place the .exe file into your SOF II main directory (not base folder).
2.  Double click the .exe file and choose your selected resolution.
3.  In game select the resolution 640 x 480 to enable your new resolution, and apply changes.


Slug installed Windows 7 and after installing
SOF2 he was getting an error it said "SOF2 encountered a problem" and the game shut down. After checking that graphic drivers etc. were up to date the error was still there. However the problem was solved by DooGie .
"I had the same problem Slug. If you are using an nVidia graphics card try the following. Open up the nvidia control panel and go to where it shows game profiles. Select the Soldier of Fortune profile and look for a line that says Extension limit. If it's set to Off change it to On. The problem is caused by the new open gl having more extensions than SOF2 can handle."
An update from DooGie
With the latest driver release, version 195.62 the extension limit is set already in the SOF2 profile. No tweaking needed, nVIDIA have also removed the extension limit setting in this release.

Thanks for the added info DooGie ..... ;)

Black PBSS (players using Windows Vista)

Vista users : r_fullscreen "0"

Modify your sof2mp.cfg to contain > seta r_fullscreen "0" instead of "1".
This runs sof2 in a window, and pbss works.

Or open the console using the ` key and type \r_fullscreen "0" in the console,click the Enter key then type this \vid_restart hit Enter and close console.

Problems with OSP

Many of the problems encountered in playing SOF2 online can fixed by installing the same version of OSP to your PC that is being used on the game server you want to play on. If you have the wrong OSP version you may see the error message....
"Server disconnected: Unpure client detected. invalid .PK3 files referenced!"

Current versions in use are listed below

OSP 0.3k Client Download
OSP 0.3d, 0.3e, 0.3i, 0.3k, 1.0f & 1.0h Download
Extract and copy all 6 files to your OSP folder
OSP 1.0L Client Download

If you have no versions of OSP installed (No OSP Folder in your SOFII installation) then download OSP 0.3k and extract the zip file to your SOF2 Double Helix folder. It will create a folder named OSP. Next download OSP Versions 0.3d - 1.0h and extract the files to the OSP Folder.


ROCmod Version 1.03

In order to play on servers running ROCmod you will need to download that as well.
Download ROCmod-2.1a and extract to your SOFII directory (not base folder)
Also in common use is ROCmod2.0c which you should extract to your RoCMod folder.


RoCMod 2.1a Download
RoCMod 2.1b Download
RoCMod 2.1c Download


Problems with Punkbuster

Most SOFII v1.03 servers run Punkbuster anti-cheat software and you will need an up-to date client version of Punkbuster in order to play on these servers. Each copy of SOFII has a unique serial number that gives you the user an equally unique player ID or GUID. If the CD you are using does not have a unique key (CD is a copy) or your GUID is logged on a list of banned players you will be kicked from servers by Punkbuster. The Punkbuster files on your PC are designed to update themselves automatically.

Even Balance (Punkbuster) have announced a new tool to aid players and server admins.
It's called PunkBuster Setup and allows you to keep track of your current PB version for both client and server, and update all games on your computer at the touch of a button.

1. Ability to install/update PunkBuster software for multiple supported games
2. Ability to correct corrupted installations of the PunkBuster software
3. Self-updating executable; you may from time to time be notified of new versions of PBSetup itself. A download and update will happen automatically.

How to Install PBSetup:
1. Download PBSetup for your OS platform Windows (472KB)
2. Place the file in an appropriate directory:
3. Create a desktop shortcut to pbsetup.exe and then double click on the icon.

When you run the program for the first time it will ask you what games you wish to update and where they are located on your PC (Add a Game) You can then click on 'Check For Updates' and the system will download and install the very latest version of Punkbuster.
For Linux and Mac versions visit

If you have any problems related to playing SOF2 v1.03 you can post on our Forum.


Other problems with V1.03

If you are sure you have the above the next step is to make sure your base folder has the correct files AND try removing any files that may be causing problems.
Your SOFII Base folder requires the following files to operate correctly.

maps.pk3 100,572KB
models.pk3 94,372KB
mp.pk3 30,979KB
musicandsound.pk3 186,770KB
skins.pk3 71,525KB
textures0.pk3 403,511KB
textures1234.pk3 160,306KB
therest.pk3 67,836KB
update101.PK3 9,443KB
update102.pk3 18,116KB
update103.pk3 12,585KB

Depending on how many additional maps and modifications you have downloaded you may have many more files in your base folder.

If you are having problems running SOFII it may be worth removing additional files such as downloaded skins, weapons and textures modifications.

1. Rename your base folder OLDbase
2. Create a NEW folder within your SOFII folder and name it base
3. COPY each of the above pk3 files from your OLDbase folder and put them into your new base folder. Copy the mp folder from the OLDbase folder and paste it into your new base folder.

You now have a clean base folder but still have all the other files safe in the OLDbase folder should you need one of them later. Now go into SOFII and see if this has cured your problem.

DEFAULT_IDENTITY (mullinsjungle) failed to register

I'm looking for answers in relation to this error which I suspect is due to some corruption to the games installed files.
In relation to SOF2 v1.00 the following may help
Take a look at and scroll down to the section "Files needed to play sof2 v1.00" There are some screenshots of the files you must have and their file sizes that may help. But if you have the original CD I would just re-install the game.

A less drastic thing you could try is to move all your copies of sof2mp.cfg ( there will be one in the BASE/MP Folder and copies in all the mod folders such as RPM, RPMPro, ADM ) out of those folders and save them say in my Documents. That way you have NO config settings and when you start the game a new default setting will be created just like when you first installed the game. This will solve the problem if it is related to changes you made to your config.

Keep a copy of your old sof2mp.cfg  if you have lots of binds then you can copy and paste them back into your new config file using MS NOTEPAD.

PROBLEMS RUNNING VENTRILO - Voice Communications Software
I can hear you but I don't think you can hear me
When you talk on Ventrilo you should  see the small loudspeaker symbol next to your name
go from red to green.

Not Talking Talking

If not - enter the Ventrilo setup screen by clicking on SETUP which is under the connect, comment and chat buttons.

1. Make sure Microphone is connected properly
2. Make sure that the INPUT DEVICE dropdown box has your sound card selected
3. Make sure the 'Enable outgoing voice communications' box is ticked
4. Click the button called 'MONITOR' and talk into the microphone.

You should see a stream of numbers appear in the long white box. If not your microphone is not working for some reason. Check that MICROPHONE is selected in the dropdown box just above the slider controls. The numbers need to be generally over 25 if not you need to get closer to the microphone or increase the gain.

If you see the numbers appear as you talk click MONITOR again to turn of the test.
Your microphone works ok so try reducing the number in the box marked SENSITIVITY to 30

Go out of the setup screen and try again.

If you did not see a stream of numbers appear you may need to try a different microphone.
Botroute files .WPS Created by Fred Ziffle

As the title says here is a collection of .WPS files for botroutes created by Fred Ziffle they are for the maps (mp_fabrica mp_vil3_dm mp_red_dawn_dm swimmingpool_dm the_chateau_summer_dm uk_pool_dm uk_punkcity_dm village1_dm volkhov_dm and zero_hour_dm) they are all contained in a zip file called Botroutes and can be downloaded HERE
There is a readme included in the download.
As usual make back ups of any files / folders before making any changes....
Thanks go to Fred Ziffle for making these files.... All credits go to Fred Ziffle.

If you would like to add to the information on this website send an e-mail to and let us know.

Use of the above files\advice is at your own risk-ALWAYS make a back up

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