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Equador Mountains

Ecuador Mountains by <<<ALIEN>>> is one of my favourite CTF maps. Very RMG feel to it with the classic 3 ways of attack. Centre, Left using a tunnel or right through the mountains. Highly recommended for CTF
Thanks to -[FC]- FUN ZONE for introducing me to this one.
  Download 4.33MB |

This is the long awaited release of the ultimate SOF2 Demo Viewer by Infrequent. ReFrag soon became an essential tool for SOF2 movie makers and you will see it in the credits of all the best SOF2 videos.
ReFrag2 is the new improved version with even more features and a much improved user interface. ReFrag2 is not just a tool for movie makers though, it's also an excellent stand alone demo player that lets you analyse every players move from every angle.
Unfortunately ReFrag2 does not support v1.00 but if you play Sof2 Gold this is a must have tool.
Download 6.24MB |
Custom Maps
Columbian Village by The Tech
Columbian Village by The Tech is a remake of a map from 2003 by Siffer. If you like Jordan the chances are you will like this. A very nice well illuminated map with plenty of alleyways for you to explore. Well worth the download.

Download 1.76MB | Rating
Deck 21 by sL@pNuT$
Deck21 is sL@pNuT$ second map. Inspired by Doom3. It looks more detailed and textured than most SOF2 maps and features new backlighting and shadowing techniques.

Download 9MB | Rating

more maps>

Playing SOF2 v1.00

Some time ago when re-installing SoF2 and before adding the gold patch to bring my 3 year old CD up to date, I noticed there were lots of servers still running version 1.00 I decided to do a duplicate SOF2 installation in a second folder on my PC, but running v1.00. I have to say its like another dimension with many hundreds of players never seen on the gold version. You can add v1.00 in about 4 minutes, why not give it a try:) There are more people playing RMG than on gold!!
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Playing SOF2 v1.03

Some months after SoF2 was launched a number of modifications were made to the original game which included bug fixes, new weapons, Punkbuster anti cheat software and additional maps. This update, called the Gold Patch changed your original game to v1.03. It was intended to replace to 1.00 version but if you make a copy of your original v1.00 files before applying the patch you can still play both versions.
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SOF2 Players A-Z¬

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>>>M<<< Winner of Player of the week - 15 November  2003
Location near Munich, Germany
Born 1969
Occupation Maler
Connection Type DSL
Favorite Map RMG
Favorite Weapon AK74
Hard to beat player To many
Comment gg all :)
=[M]= Diesel
Location UK
Born 5 September 1985
Occupation Student
Connection Type 512mb
Favorite Map mp_shop
Favourite Server =[M]= Rd Inf and |HaXor| Rd inf
Favorite Weapon AK74
Hard to beat player =[M]= Snow
Comment I'm as hardcore as they come
Location France
Born 1963
Occupation tech info
Connection Type ADSL 512
Favourite Map jor1
Favourite Server
Favourite Weapon m4 et mp5
Hard to beat player les cheaters sa puire
que sof2 continue a evoluer pour continuer a fraguer comme des fou LOL bon frag a tous
Me at Ibrox Stadium! MaDaSs
Location Fife, Scotland
Born 14 April 1975
Occupation Welder
Connection Type Cable 512 kb ps
Favourite Map All except that shitty street 1
Favourite Server bygames (DM)
Favourite Weapon All
Hard to beat player Just about everyone except STAVROS lol !
Comment mon the gers/ we gonna take the title ! :)
Location France
Born 18\07\72
Occupation Glander
Connection Type ADSL
Favourite Map Shop
Favourite Server peliporti
Favourite Weapon m4 & mp5
Hard to beat player (=_=)tunisiano(=_=)
Comment Ya rien a dire
Location Scotland
Born 27 Sept 1980
Occupation Factory Worker
Connection Type 1mb Cable
Favourite Map Hk2
Favourite Weapon AK And USAS
Hard to beat player Degem and ZippyUK
Comment The *MADMAN* is out on Da Loose ;)
Mad Max
Location Southwest Germany
Born 1956
Occupation Financial Consultant
Connection Type DSL
Favourite Map Prague Streets / Shop 8
Favourite Server TGS / 2K3
Favourite Weapon M4
Babberlababb,  Bang – You´re dead! Looooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Magpie (aka...DARKSKULL... ) Winner of Player of the week -  July 26 2003
Location Washington, Tyne + Wear, UK
Born 1972
Occupation Medical products
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Map RMG grassyhills
Favourite Server Gamespy
Favourite Weapon AK 47 /mp5
Hard to beat player The good ones
Comment I will run at you and then die a painful death
Location NC USA
Born 1962
Occupation N/K
Connection Type N/K
Favourite Map Red Dawn
Favourite Server Any DM
Favourite Weapon mp5
Hard to beat player
Comment I am not in a clan at this time.
Marcos Roberto
Location Brazil
5 October 1980
Occupation Programador
Connection Type DSL
Favourite Map Uber Snow
Favourite Server Soldiers at War
Favourite Weapon Sniper
Comment SOF II Inesquecível
Location France
Born 29/04/82
Occupation Musique + Jeux
Connection Type ADSL 512
Favourite Map hk2 without walls
Favourite Server USAS allowed
Favourite Weapon M60 + USAS + M203 without M4
Hard to beat player Godmode on...
Comment Time Curve Symmetry dans ta gueule ?
Location Tortona, Italy
Born 13 July 1962
Occupation DVD author, multimedia programmer, 2D/3D artist
Connection Type DSL 1.5 Mbit
Favourite Map max_pm, mp_italy, mp_dust
Favourite Server kitty snipers
Favourite Weapon AK
Hard to beat player 50_bellies
 "Do you expect that I talk?" - "No, I expect that you die!"
Location Canada
Born 1May 1976
Occupation Supervisor forklift operator
Connection Type cable modem
Favourite Map
TB highwire 2
Favourite Server I.C.E Sanchez and TeCH
Favourite Weapon Sniper rifle

Melly :]
Location Newcastle, England
Born 1983
Occupation Network Engineers Student / Web Design
Connection Type ADSL 512k
Favourite Map Kam4
Favourite Weapon M4 Carbine
Hard to beat player That Blackpope is a bit dodgey ;)
"He Connected, He Lagged, He Pinged Out"
Location New Jersey, USA
Born 10 October 1961
Occupation Advertising
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Map Raven Offices
Favourite Server Poop3
Favourite Weapon Mp5
Hard to beat player me
Location Salzburg, Austria
Born 28 February 1985
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Map  jor1
Favourite Server Every Server :D
Favourite Weapon Spritzpistole

Location Belgrade
Born 1980
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Map mp_Shop
Favourite Server Prinz Lui's District
Favourite Weapon Micro UZI
Hard to beat player Prinz.Lui

Location Antwerpen, Belgium
Born 1969
Occupation Chemical Analyst
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Map All RMG
Favourite Weapon M4
Hard to beat player Mack, Flat-liner, some other dudes...
Taste my nOObie-nades & tell me if you like'm...
Location Denmark
Born 12 June 1967
Occupation being bonkers
Connection Type ADSL
Favourite Map Kam4 and Kam5
Favourite Server FRAGLAND!!!!!
Favourite Weapon Shotty-Ak47
Hard to beat player aG|Contender but I will try and try
Comment be happy and just play sof2
Location Netherlands
Born 4 September 1976
Occupation Trainer @ cablecompany
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Map Cant decide...
Favourite Server eGoMania and the gameservers
Favourite Weapon Shotty
Hard to beat player Anyone in the same server as me...
Comment Happy fraggin people!
Location Peterborough, England
Born 27 August 1969
Occupation Team Leader
Connection Type ADSL
Favourite Map Prague Streets
Favourite Server Gameserver 5 Extreme Deathmatch
Favourite Weapon Uzi, AK47
Hard to beat player Anybody with a weapon
Aim to get a medal
Location London, UK
Born 1988
Occupation Student
Connection Type DSL
Favourite Map Shop
Favourite Server *33*
Favourite Weapon Sniper/Shotgun
Bring it On! but be gentle
Miss Tick   
Location France
Born         1976
Occupation IT Project Manager
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Map Bridge
Favourite Server 2K3 CH Players
Favourite Weapon RPG for Boom Boom
Comment I appreciate the major players on the server... Long life to all.
Misty Winner of Player of the week - 23 October 2004
Location UK
Born 25 September 1971
Occupation Carer
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Map HK2
Favourite Server NoClanClan
Favourite Weapon AK
Hard to beat player [MKP]SaMuRaI
kill kill kill
Location Scotland
Born 19 January 1988
Occupation College
Connection Type 786k Cable
Favourite Map Jor1
Favourite Server FZI Server "GameServers.Net" Also
Favourite Weapon AK
Hard to beat player Degem  <(o_o<)
Let me take you to the place, Where life's a smiling face
Location UK
Born 24 October 1965
Occupation Decorator
Connection Type NTL 1.5
Favourite Map HK2, kam5, kam2
Favourite Server To many to list
Favourite Weapon AK and Shotty
Hard to beat player Hav'nt found one yet!!
 I'm Misty's guy.. but ow so much better =]
Location Edinburgh
Born 11 September 1984
Occupation Student
Connection Type 768/256 cable
Favourite Map HK2
Favourite Server Clan MKP Public Arena
Favourite Weapon AK
Hard to beat player Samurai, the bassa
Comment I'm ok and sh*t in equal measures
Location haute-savoie(France)
Born 3 November 1960
Occupation technician
Connection Type
Favourite Map all
Favourite Server all
Favourite Weapon

Location Swanage, UK
Born 26 May 1971
Occupation Kitchen Fitter
Connection Type ADSL
Favourite Map Desert
Favourite Server SOFPLAYERS v1.00
Favourite Weapon AK47

Location Great Lakes Area and Hawaii USA
15 March 1950
Occupation General Motors retired
Connection Type fiber optics
Favourite Map Raven
Favourite Server gun club society
Favourite Weapon brocks mp5
Hard To Beat Player Trinity
Comment I was there on the very first map first day long ago
Location Sweden
Born 1960
Occupation Repairman
Connection Type ADSL
Favourite Map Prague Streets
Favourite Server 2K3 CH Players Server
Favourite Weapon AK47/Knife
Comment This is too easy LOL.....
MS...Netsey Winner of Player of the week - 7 February 2004
Location Peterborough, UK
Born 23 September 1974
Occupation House Slave
Connection Type BT broadband
Favourite Map Prague Streets
Favourite Server what ever lets me in
Favourite Weapon shot gun
Hard to beat player The ones that cheat lol x.x.x
Comment plz don't shoot me lol
ms. severina
Location New Jersey, USA
Occupation slacker :]
Connection Type cable
Favourite Map beach invasion
Favourite Server Cyberplant <more ammo>
Favourite Weapon m4
Hard to beat player -=]!BlueMaxx![=-
[MUC] doggpound
Location Munich, Germany
Born 29 April 1969
Occupation Assistant to the Management Board
Connection Type ADSL
Favourite Map Pra2
Favourite Server GSG TDM
Favourite Weapon knive
Hard to beat player 2Hot
Comment Life sucks then u marrie and she won't
[MUC] lenchmop
Location Hamburg, Germany
Born 15 April 1967
Occupation Privatier
Connection Type DSL
Favourite Map -
Favourite Server -
Favourite Weapon AK74
Comment DAMMIT - where have I been to last night?
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