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Equador Mountains

Ecuador Mountains by <<<ALIEN>>> is one of my favourite CTF maps. Very RMG feel to it with the classic 3 ways of attack. Centre, Left using a tunnel or right through the mountains. Highly recommended for CTF
Thanks to -[FC]- FUN ZONE for introducing me to this one.
  Download 4.33MB |

This is the long awaited release of the ultimate SOF2 Demo Viewer by Infrequent. ReFrag soon became an essential tool for SOF2 movie makers and you will see it in the credits of all the best SOF2 videos.
ReFrag2 is the new improved version with even more features and a much improved user interface. ReFrag2 is not just a tool for movie makers though, it's also an excellent stand alone demo player that lets you analyse every players move from every angle.
Unfortunately ReFrag2 does not support v1.00 but if you play Sof2 Gold this is a must have tool.
Download 6.24MB |
Custom Maps
Columbian Village by The Tech
Columbian Village by The Tech is a remake of a map from 2003 by Siffer. If you like Jordan the chances are you will like this. A very nice well illuminated map with plenty of alleyways for you to explore. Well worth the download.

Download 1.76MB | Rating
Deck 21 by sL@pNuT$
Deck21 is sL@pNuT$ second map. Inspired by Doom3. It looks more detailed and textured than most SOF2 maps and features new backlighting and shadowing techniques.

Download 9MB | Rating

more maps>

Playing SOF2 v1.00

Some time ago when re-installing SoF2 and before adding the gold patch to bring my 3 year old CD up to date, I noticed there were lots of servers still running version 1.00 I decided to do a duplicate SOF2 installation in a second folder on my PC, but running v1.00. I have to say its like another dimension with many hundreds of players never seen on the gold version. You can add v1.00 in about 4 minutes, why not give it a try:) There are more people playing RMG than on gold!!
Read More>

Playing SOF2 v1.03

Some months after SoF2 was launched a number of modifications were made to the original game which included bug fixes, new weapons, Punkbuster anti cheat software and additional maps. This update, called the Gold Patch changed your original game to v1.03. It was intended to replace to 1.00 version but if you make a copy of your original v1.00 files before applying the patch you can still play both versions.
Read More>


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 This page was last updated        Thursday, 15 June 2017....


You should ALWAYS make a copy of any file before making any changes to it..... Then if you make a mistake you can copy the original one back..............
Play BOTH Versions of SOFII

There's one group of people playing SOFII v1.00 and another group playing SOFII v1.03 (Gold). Its really easy to play BOTH versions and meet a whole load of people you have never seen before. Remember you don't have to give up your current version, just add a second copy. See Playing v1.00 if you just play gold or Playing v1.03 If you play v1.00 only.
SOF2 Game will not run on Windows 10 with Intel Graphics FIX
As the title suggests here is a fix found by Slug to make SOF2 run on Windows 10 with Intel graphics.
Slug said...... I haven't been able to play SOFII on my PC since upgrading (?) to Windows 10 a long time ago. I had a spell using my old PC on a old 14 inch monitor around Christmas but not having much room for 2 monitors I haven't played for some time. HOWEVER ------ I JUST FOUND A FIX ON YOUTUBE THAT WORKS. I should say I know SOFII works on most PC's running Windows 10 but it would never work on mine with Intel integrated graphics although it did on Win 8.1. No amount of messing with graphics drivers solved it. HERE IS THE FIX AND IT IS SO SIMPLE Just rename sof2MP.exe to mohaa.exe Unbelievable but it works. See you in game.

Here is the link to the fix on You Tube 

Many thanks to Slug for passing on this very useful tip.
Colour Your Name
When typing your player name press 'SHIFT' and '6' together to obtain the ^ symbol followed by any key listed below, from then on anything you type will have a colour.
1 3 4 5 6 b k - g z n 7 i w

for example Mack The Knife would be ^1Mack ^4The ^6Knife
where the ^symbol is obtained by pressing  SHIFT  and  6  at the same time.

^1 red
^2 olivegreen
^3 yellow
^4 MidnightBlue
^5 cyan
^6 pink
^7 white
^8 black
^9 red
^0 black
^a darkturquoise
^b orange
^c redorange
^d dodgerblue
^e deeppink
^f skyblue
^g limegreen
^h redpurple
^i steelblue
^j lightgreen
^k moccasin
^l lightblue
^m magenta
^n forestgreen
^o lightpink
^p springgreen
^q whitepink
^r lightpink
^s purple
^t redpink
^u purple
^v green
^w black
^x darkblue
^y lightblue
^z darkorange
^- darkgray
^= darkcyan
^[ darkcyan
^] darkcyan
^; black
^' yellow
^\ darkpink
^/ black
^, gray

There is a nice list of available colours at
which if you print out lets you select shades rather than just primary colours.

Making keys to do or say things
You can program any key to perform a function by using the 'bind' command.
This is how to set the  F  key to display 'Nice Shot'
1. During the game open the console using the key under the ESC key
2. Type in \bind f say Nice Shot #d
3. Press Enter then ESC to close the console.
If you typed it in correctly pressing the  F  key should now type up 'Nice Shot' followed by the name of the player that shot you every time you press it. You can make keys say what ever you like.

Other OSP 'Tokens' that can be used in binds are...
#h your current numerical health
#a your current numerical armour
#d the name of the last player that hurt you
#t the name of the last player that you hurt
#f the name of the closest team-mate
#L your current location
#i the name of your currently equipped handgun
#p name of your currently equipped primary weapon
#s the name of your currently equipped secondary weapon
#g the name of your currently equipped grenade
#e the name of your current equipment (armor, nightvision, infrared)
#B Inserts your current health in a nice bar format
#b Inserts your current armour in a nice bar format
Note using letters in upper and lower case can give variations to the display you get
Display Your Heath and Armour

OSP and rocmod servers enable you to display your current health and armour status similar to the picture above. This is how to set the  G  key to display your current health and armour
1. During the game open the console using the key under the ESC key
2. type in \bind g say Health#B #H Armour #b #a
3. press Enter then ESC to close the console.
If you typed it in correctly pressing the  G  key should now bring up your current health on screen for other players to see. Note this will only work with OSP and rocmod servers.
Display a message to the player that hurt you
You can bind the  H  key to congratulate the player that just killed you
1. During the game open the console using the key under the ESC key
2. Type in \bind h say nice shot #D
3. press Enter then ESC to close the console.
This will display "nice shot -=Garbage Slug=-" or whatever the name of the player was that last hurt you when you press the  H  key.
Note this will only work with OSP and rocmod servers.
Setting one key to cycle a bind list
nih had a good idea today for cycling binds. ie you set up one key to cycle however many binds you want. Sample below:-

bind v "vstr nice1list"
seta nice1list "vstr nice1list1"
seta nice1list1 "say nice shot #D; set nice1list vstr nice1list2"
seta nice1list2 "say #D you owned me; set nice1list vstr nice1list3"
seta nice1list3 "say ouch that hurt #D; set nice1list vstr nice1list4"
seta nice1list4 "say Put me back together again #D!; set nice1list vstr nice1list5"
seta nice1list5 "say You are rocking #D!; set nice1list vstr nice1list1"

So you see when you press v key for the first time you'll get "nice shot", the second time you press v key you get "you owned me" and so on. Obviously you can bind whichever key you want and call the bind by whatever name you want. nih just happened to use nice1list.
Binding messages to your team only
You have probably seen binds like
\bind x say Health#B #H Armor#b #a, @ #L, HELP ME!
That says your health, armour and location, but everyone can see it, not just your team.

So instead of typing say, type say_team
\bind x say_team Health#B #H Armor#b #a, HELP ME!
Only your team can see it then!
And you do not need to include location as team chat automatically gives a location.
No more giving away your location to the enemy!
More on setting a bind list Posted Monday, 25 October, 2004 by FOO_
In addition to the BindList HOW TO post (above) I want to contribute the following techniques.

[ 1-key name switching ]
This examples shows how to switch ur players name with 1 key. U can make a whole cycle out of it. I personally use it to switch between afk and non-afk.

bind - "vstr namelist"
seta namelist1 "name ^7NRU^1*^JFOO_[AFK]; set namelist vstr namelist0"
seta namelist0 "name ^7NRU^1*^JFOO_; set namelist vstr namelist1"
seta namelist "vstr namelist1"

Hope its helpfull :D
Making SOFII Movies
Black-Widow has produced a good tutorial on SOF2 Movie Making .
Taking a Screenshot by GuuZ

If you want to bind a key to taking screenshots... call up your console and type:
\bind k screenshot then every time you press the  k  key you make a screenshot.
On OSP servers screenshots end up in the Soldier of fortune\OSP\Screenshots folder
They are auto numbered shot0000.jpg, shot 0001.jpg, shot0003.jpg and so on. If you want to display them on a forum you can upload your screenshots to Imageshack then copy the web address of your picture and paste it onto a forum or message board for others to see.
Setting your 'Hunkmegs' to play more Detailed Maps
Some SOF2 Maps require you to increase the amount of memory available for graphics settings. To set com_hunkMegs to higher than the default setting of 45 needed to play some maps.
1. Open the file sof2mp.cfg using notepad
2. Press CTRL F to open a search box
3. type in hunkmegs
4. Click Find Next
5. Alter the setting from 45 to 145 or whatever is recommended
6. Save the file


Or alternatively open the console in the game, type in \com_hunkmegs 256 this will re-write the value in your sof2mp.cfg automatically.... If you have a lot of RAM ie. 2GB you can set the value higher say 512MB

Note each mod (OSP, RoCmod, RPM, ADM or Base MP folder) has its own file so you need to edit all of them for the effect to work on all servers.


Specing A Player in 1st Person View
To spectate a player in first person, make sure you have a 'USE' key setup.
To bind the  Enter  key open the console and type \bind ENTER +use
Now when you are specing a player you can press enter to view them as they see things.
Note this does not work on servers running v1.00 Admin Mod or SOFII MP Demo
Recording and Playing Demos (GOLD ONLY)
Binding a key to record demos....
1. Using windows notepad, create a new file and save it as autoexec.cfg in your sof2 base/mp folder. (if you already have a file called autoexec.cfg then use that one)

2. Cut and Past the following code into your autoexec.cfg file
//demo script
bind F4 "vstr demo"
set demo "vstr start"
set start "g_synchronousClients 1; record; g_synchronousClients 0; set demo vstr stop"
set stop "stoprecord; set demo vstr start"

3. Add the following line to your sof2mp.cfg file (in your osp, rocmod and base/mp folders)
F4 "vstr demo"

Now when you are playing a game, pressing  F4  will start recording a demo and pressing  F4  again will stop recording.
The resulting demo will be saved in the demo folder within the OSP folder (if playing on an OSP server). Each recording will have a number like demo0001.dm_2004.
To playback the demo named demo0001.dm_2004 open the console and type demo demo0001 (You don't need to type the last bit of the file name)

There is a program called Seismovision which can play Soldier of Fortune 2 demos (not  v1.00) by simply double-clicking onto a demo in Windows Explorer or even play them directly from your Desktop. Download it from

You can of course use Infrequents superb ReFrag2, that can be downloaded here     Download  Highly recommended........
Making Movies using FRAPS
A way to record online gaming action is to use FRAPS an easy to use application available from it is so easy even I can use it !!!!
Saving and Viewing Game Console
To bind the  P  key to save the contents of the console.
Go to console and type \bind p condump console.log
Now each time you press the  P  key the entire contents of the console will be saved as a log file.

Later when you have left the game you can use a log file viewer to view the contents of the file. This is useful if someone gives you a long web address in chat or if you want to read back what was said by various players during a game. You do NOT have to be admin to use this feature and you can use it on any server you play on.
Displaying your Frames Per Second
While in game, pull down the console (by pressing the ~ key, usually to the left of the number 1 key) and type \cg_drawFPS 1
Note, it is case sensitive; also note that there is a space between cg_drawFPS and the number 1. To turn off the FPS, just go back to the console and type \cg_drawFPS 0
An Easy Way to Set-up a Server on Your PC
Right this is how to start your own server from within the game.


2. Select map type (RMG is nice! - this opens another screen to set things like time of day and size of map... alter if you wish)

3. Back on the CREATE SERVER screen click the OPTIONS icon


5. Give your server A NAME (host name as it will appear on the list of servers)

6. Set the maximum number of players (try 8 to start with)

7. Set the Score and Time Limits

8. Set Punkbuster to NO (lets keep it simple to start with)


10. MOST IMPORTANT ..... This starts a green console in a small window
DO NOT CLOSE THIS CONSOLE ...just leave it running.


12. CLICK ON THE GET A NEW LIST ICON and look for the name of YOUR SERVER -
Remember to list all servers EVEN EMPTY ONES

With a bit of luck you will see your server has been added to the list and you can join it. You should also see your server listed if you look under LOCAL where it says SOURCE (usually Internet) I find it better to select Local then join your server on that listing.

Here is a list of useful server commands cvar-s.txt that can be used in server configs and by rcon
Soldier of Fortune II  Server Crash Fix Posted by Vindictive
Some servers have had problems with a script that causes a server crash.
haven't seen or heard anything about your servers being attacked by this exploit but I've had some messages lately with others having problems with it again.
since I've had requests to get the workaround for it from other servers I thought id give you guys the link in case its ever an issue.
There are other bug fixes there as well for q3 engine based games.
the fix for sof2 gold is the 11th link down from top and also patches the Linux version 1.02a. Soldier of Fortune II GOLD 1.03 / 1.02a crash fix 0.1
Note for server admins only Restarting a Jolt SOF2 server using 'Putty'
Putty is a small program used for shutting down and restarting Jolt game servers
Download putty.exe if you have not got it already!
Load the program, type in the IP address of the server then click the ssh radio button. You do not need to enter the port. Click OPEN at the bottom of the program window.
Type in the ftp username and then your password (NOT the RCON pass)... The password DOES go in when you type, you just can't see it. If you got that correct then you will see something like: Have a lot of fun... (a suse trademark)
To restart your server enter: ./start_sof2osp
The server console would then spam on the screen, which you can ignore but handy as now you know the game has started!
You then simply type 'exit' You can then close the putty window if it doesn't close itself to close the program and play your game.
Medals not showing at end of game on OSP server ?
Later OSP servers have the ability to award medals at the end of each game.
It is not uncommon to see servers displaying a text listing instead of medals
To enable medals on an OSP server you must set "sv_ospclient"  AND "g_awards" to 1 in the server config file.
Running  a Server sv_pure 0, 1, 2 or 3
Servers can be run in 3 ways.
sv_pure 0
Players can connect even if there pk3 files do not match the servers.
There is an increased risk of cheating on unpure servers but players can use custom skins and soundpacks
sv_pure 1
Players pk3's must match the servers and additional pk3's such a modified skins weapon sounds won't work if those files are not on the server as well.
sv_pure 2 (RMG Maps Only)
This setting is used on RMG servers that run unpure but have sv_force rmg set to 1
Players can use modified skins and sounds but players RMG (Random Map Generator) pk3's should match those of the server.
sv_pure 3  (RMG Maps Only)
Server running pure so players files must match those of the server - No modified skins or sounds unless they are also on the server. ALSO RMG files must match those on the server

The above settings can only be set in your servers startup file
+set sv_pure 0 your server runs sv_pure 0
+set sv_pure 1
your server runs sv_pure 1
+set sv_pure 0 +set RMG_forcepure 1
your server runs sv_pure 2
+set sv_pure 1 +set RMG_forcepure 1
your server runs sv_pure 3

RMG servers running v_pure 0 and 2 are particularly prone to cheating from no fog hacks
Using DM Flags to turn off Fall Damage or Footsteps
The value of DMflags can be used to turn fall damage on/off or set footsteps on/off and also fixed FOV on/off. These are the values for each item:
no fall damage = 8 no footsteps = 32 Fixed FOV = 16
You can set more than one item by adding the values, so...
no fall + no footsteps = 40 and all 3 options on would give a total DM Flag value of 56
NOTE the DM Flags config line appears in the map cycle config file and NOT the server config file.
If you have rcon for your server you can open the console and type "rcon dmflags 32" to turn off footsteps. Entering "rcon dmflags 0" will turn footsteps back on.
To turn off fall damage type "rcon dmflags 8" or "rcon dmflags 0" to turn fall damage back on.
Choosing your weapons & No Backpacks
Adding g_pickupsdisabled "1" to your map cycle will let you choose weapons rather than pick them up as you go along. It also removes backpacks from some maps but not all. To remove backpacks from ALL maps the config is disable_pickup_backpack 1 this affects just the backpacks.
Switching Your OSP Server Between Match and None Match Settings
You must have rcon permissions and be able to add files to your server to do this.....
To set a server for match (eg Clanbase) settings download match.cfg and put it in your servers osp folder**
scorelimit 0
seta g_friendlyfire 1
seta g_forcerespawn 1
seta g_followenemy 0
seta g_forcefollow 1
seta g_suddendeath 0
seta g_inactivity 0
seta g_smoothclients 1
seta g_voicefloodcount 0
seta g_teamkillpenalty 0
seta g_teamkilldamagemax 0
seta g_speed 280
seta g_gravity 800
seta g_knockback 700
seta g_backpackrespawn 40
seta g_respawninterval 15
seta g_respawninvulnerability 5
seta g_roundtimelimit 3
seta g_roundstartdelay 5
seta sv_pure 1
seta sv_fps 20
seta sv_enableadminpowers 0
seta match_swap 1
seta g_coloredteamplaynames 0
seta g_voicetalkingghosts 0
seta sv_mapcycle "ctf.mapcycle"
g_gametype ctf
say "^3Server Running Clanbase Settings ^1gg's all:)"

normal.cfg and put it in your servers osp folder**
timelimit 20
scorelimit 50
seta g_friendlyfire 2
seta g_forcerespawn 1
seta g_followenemy 0
seta g_forcefollow 1
seta g_suddendeath 0
seta g_inactivity 0
seta g_smoothclients 1
seta g_voicefloodcount 0
seta g_teamkillpenalty -1
seta g_teamkilldamagemax 300
seta g_speed 300
seta g_gravity 800
seta g_knockback 700
seta g_backpackrespawn 40
seta g_respawninterval 1
seta g_respawninvulnerability 5
seta g_roundtimelimit 4
seta g_roundstartdelay 7
seta sv_pure 1
seta sv_fps 20
seta sv_enableadminpowers 1
seta g_coloredteamplaynames 1
seta g_voicetalkingghosts 0
seta g_doWarmup 1
seta g_warmup 5
say "^1Server Running Normal Settings"
seta sv_mapcycle "dm.mapcycle"
set g_gametype dm

Now bind 2 keys in your game to make your server run match or normal settings.
bind F12 "rcon exec match.cfg"
bind F11 "rcon exec normal.cfg"
(do this by pasting the command into your sof2mp.cfg file inside the OSP folder)
Now when playing on your server and by pressing the  F12  key you can set all the parameters for a CTF match with just one key press. It also comes up on the screen with a message to say server is now running match settings. (takes effect on start of next map)
To change back to normal settings press the  F11  key
Note you must have rcon permissions set to use these commands

** in the above example the server has two different map cycles

ctf.mapcycle download (sample RMG Mapcycle)
dm.mapcycle download (sample RMG Mapcycle)
You can use your own map cycles but remember to set the gametype (CTF/DM) and score limits in each one.
There may be easier and better ways to do it but this method seems to work on the Axis3000 server please take this example as a guide and not a reference on the subject :)
Join Your Favourite Server with One Key Press
If you know the IP address of your favourite servers you can bind keys to connect directly to that server. For example.......................

\bind F3 connect
\bind F4 connect

Trouble Connecting to Servers?
Are you unable to connect to some servers and getting unpure pk3 messages?
Many servers are now running different versions of OSP.  There are currently 5 different versions of OSP in use that you need to have download in order to play
on these servers. You can download the latest version from: OSP Downloads
Find available servers and maps easily
On the  main JOIN GAME screen you can display server or map names alphabetically by clicking on the title SERVER NAME or MAP NAME.
This is useful when looking for a particular server or type of map. I played the game for ages without realising this!
Saving Your Favourite Server List
Your favourites are stored in a file called servercache.dat located in your main SOFII folder. If you want to save all your favourites so you can re-install them if you ever re-install the game just copy and save the file servercache.dat
That file also holds a list of servers that is updated each time you rescan the server list.

Crosshair Colour
Changing your crosshair colour can be one of the more useful things you can do if you wish to be accurate with the Dot crosshair at about a size 11 or less. Changing to the dot makes it easier to see what you're shooting and exactly where on their body you're shooting.
In addition, you can change the colour your crosshair turns when it goes over a friendly target, which is invaluable once you get used to it.

To do this, simply open the console and type

cg_crosshairRGBA "X,X,X,X"
cg_crosshairFriendRGBA "X,X,X,X"

Where the X's are you type a number between 0 and 1 to denote how much of the colour you want. The final X is for Opacity which I recommend leaving at 1 no matter what colour because a clear crosshair is really not useful. For example I use 0,1,0,1 for a nice Lime green cursor which seems to work out the best for me except in the Columbia jungles.
For friendly's right now I use 1,0,1,1 for a pink cursor to let me know that when the colour changes abruptly like that to not shoot. Here some of the colours you can have.
  1,1,0,1   1,1,1,1   0,1,1,1   1, 0.4, 0, 1
  0,1,0,1   0,0,0,1   1,0,0,1   1, 1, 0.8, 1
  0,0,1,1   1, 0.8, 0, 1   1,0,1,1   0, 1, 0.8, 1
Crosshair Size and Colour
Changing the size of your crosshair can be done with one simple command..
\cg_crosshairSIZE "XXXXX" FOR EXAMPLE write in console \cg_crosshairsize 20
A preferred size would be 9-20, whereas 9 is for long distance and 20 is for close range.
For better accuracy change the colour of your crosshairs to anything but the default! And change the crosshair to the DOT! that can be changed in the settings when you start the game. Bind some key to change the colour of your crosshair to suit the map. ie jordan a dark crosshair as all the walls are bright orange, so I choose blue crosshair.
You can also binds weapons to specific keys and change the colour/size of the cross hair to match the weapon's style. Ie big cross hair for close up weapon like shotty, small dot for fine accuracy a long way away like ak.
PUNKBUSTER - Find out your pb guid number
I To get your guid open the console and type /pb_myguid
You will then get your own guid displayed.
You can either carefully write it down or better still while this is showing type /condump myguid.txt. This produces a text file in the SoF2 \Base\MP folder called myguid.text. Open it in notepad and look at the bottom of it and there will be your GUID. This can then be copied and pasted into notepad and the file saved somewhere so you can find it in future.
Punkbuster Problems
Make sure you have the latest version of Punkbuster on your PC
Download the latest updates from the Even Balance website
Even Balance have announced a new tool to aid players and server admins, designed to replace the existing PBWEB tool. It's called PunkBuster Setup and allows you to keep track of your current PB version for both client and server, and update all games on your computer at the touch of a button.
QUOTE(Even Balance)
"Hello, We would like to begin an open beta test of a new application for use in manually installing and/or updating PunkBuster software. "PBSetup" will allow users to install or update to the latest version of PunkBuster for one or more supported games.  This program is designed to completely replace the outdated PBWEB command line utility as a more reliable, user-friendly graphical tool."

1. Ability to install/update PunkBuster software for multiple supported games
2. Ability to correct corrupted installations of the PunkBuster software
3. Self-updating executable; you may from time to time be notified of new versions of PBSetup itself. A download and update will happen automatically.

How to Install PBSetup:
1. Download PBSetup for your OS platform Windows (472KB)
2. Place the file in an appropriate directory:
3. Create a desktop shortcut to pbsetup.exe and then double click on the icon.

For Linux and Mac versions visit
Ventrilo Voice Communications
This easy to setup program enables you to use a microphone or headset to talk to other players during a game. Setting up Ventrillo takes only a couple of minutes then connect to our Ventrilo server and start talking. The voice quality is very good and the programme will not cause lag.

1.  Download the file Ventrillo clients version 2.1.3 from

note version has been updated to 2.1.3 since this screenshot image

2.  Open this file and Install it to the default location on your PC

3.  Once installed start the Ventrilo program

4.  Click on the small -> box to the right of 'User Name' to open a setup window as shown below

5. 'Setup User' window opens - click 'New' and enter your SOF2 Player name

(enter your name not Garbage Slug)

6.  Enter your SOF2 player name in the 'Phonetic' box then click OK

7.  Click on 'Setup' to open the above window and select your output and input devices (your sound card) from the drop down list.

8.  Select your sound card as 'Mixer'

9.  Set 'Line' to Microphone

10. Set voice operated switch 'Sensitivity' to 5 and click OK.
Installing/Re-Installing SOF2
After installing SOF2 the following downloads are needed to play online
Installing from older versions (not gold version)

1. Install the game then download sof2goldfull.exe
2. Run the patch to bring your installed game up to the current latest version (1.03)
3. During the installation select the option to install Punkbuster
4. Update Punkbuster from
5. Install OSP to enable you to play on OSP Servers
OSP 0.3k Client Download
OSP 0.3d, 0.3e, 0.3i, 0.3k, 1.0f & 1.0h Download
Extract and copy all 6 files to your OSP folder
OSP 1.0L Client Download

6. Install RocMod to enable you to play on RocMod  Servers

RoCMod 2.1a Download
RoCMod 2.1b Download
RoCMod 2.1c Download
Maximise your FPS (Frames Per Second)
For those of you with top notch graphics cards, there is a command that will maximize your Frames per second (fps). The max you can pick within the game is 125, but most maps will not achieve that many fps'. Type com_maxfps X in the console where X is a number between 125 and 300 (that is as high as I have had the guts to try, don't wanna fry my card). I have a geForce 5700ultra 128mb card and I have gone up to 300.  The higher your fps, the faster you see the action!!!

Another way to max your fps, but depends on the server your on is set them to "0". this can be done in the console. In the console type \com_maxfps 0 or manually in the sof2mp.cfg file look for seta com_maxfps "85". Change the figure 85 to 0(zero)I've gotton about 1000fps standing still looking at the sky. and around 400+fps on most maps (nvidia 6800gt 256mb on an amd64 3200+).
Mouse Sensitivity Posted Tuesday, December 9, 2003 by Joop
As you increase the sensitivity you get more accurate if they come from the back. For the strong players who often play 3 vs 1 try to make your sensitivity up to 30. for seeing your sensitivity in normal game go to console and type \sens
for changing it type \sens <sensivity>.                                                                   

(Added September 2009 by 50_BELLIES)  Look in your sof2mp.cfg for the line seta sensitivity "5".   5 is the sensitivity level I use set the figure to whatever you are comfortable with... Too high a number means that your cursor moves more quickly this can be a disadvantage when you are trying to aim especially when the target is further away from you. This can be changed in the console by typing \sensitivity 5 press ENTER key and close the console.


Minimizer for SOFII and other Quake3 Engine Games
This really nice program allows you to safely minimize your SOFII and other Quake 3 Engine based games so you can view your desktop and access your other programs.
Download Q3E Minimizer v1.45 (166 KB) then extract and install the small program.
You can easily customise what keys 'hide' or 'restore' SOFII
TIP - Place minimizer v1.45 in your windows START-UP folder so that it is always running. This way you do not have to remember to run it before going on SOF2 and it is ALWAYS available.
Start Minimiser and SOFII with just One Click Posted by DooGie
For those who do not want minimiser running all the time by having it their start-up tray
1. Copy the text below and paste it into notepad.

@echo off
cd "C:\Program Files\Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix\"
start "" "C:\Program Files\Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix\SoF2MP.exe"
start "" "C:\Program Files\Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix\SoF2mp_min.exe"

2. Alter the text if you folder names are different or if you use a different version of minimiser.
3. Save your text file as 'SOF2 MP.txt'
4. Right click and change the name to 'SOF2 MP.bat'
Now when you click on this icon, both SOF2 and Minimiser will start-up at the same time.
NOTE in the above example minimiser is in the SOF2 folder.
Jump Higher
This is obvious, but took me forever!
When you are at the top of your jump press crouch.
For example; When jump on a barrel, run at it and press jump then press crouch when you are at the top of your jump.

An alternative of course is to add the following bind into your sof2mp.cfg file ..          bind CTRL "+moveup; wait 4; -moveup; wait 4; +movedown; wait 4; -movedown" Or by opening up your console in game you can manually add the line but put a /at the beginning /bind CTRL "+moveup; wait 4; -moveup; wait 4; +movedown; wait 4; -movedown" . This means when you press the CTRL key you jump onto higher objects by pressing 1 key instead of 2 keys.


Changing your name  with a bind
If you and someone else both use the same pc and change names back and forth a lot you can set 2 binds one for you and one for them
/bind o seta name "name1" and /bind p seta name "name2" (name 1 and name2 can be whatever you like *Remember to use the "" s.


Black/Blank PBSS (Vista Users)
Vista users : r_fullscreen "0"

Modify your sof2mp.cfg to contain > seta r_fullscreen "0" instead of "1".
This runs sof2 in a window, and pbss works.

Or open the console using the ` key and type \r_fullscreen "0" in the console,click the Enter key then type this \vid_restart hit Enter and close console.


Making a soundpack for your own server. (Slug)
Slug said: I know how to make/alter sound-packs but would find it difficult to describe how to do it.

Easiest way would be to take an existing pack which is a .pk3 file. You can open .pk3 files with WINRAR or change the name to a .zip file if you use winzip.

You should see a folder with all the mp3 or wav files and a text file .vchat which you need to open in NOTEPAD. You edit this file replacing the names of the sounds you want to replace and the text that displays when its used.

Then you add your replacement wav or mp3 file into the sounds folder. Delete the old sound if replacing one. Save your edited vchat file and save the edited pk3 file that is your modified soundpack. Hope that helps - its easier to do than it is to explain.

Another explanation as to making sound packs for a SOF2 server written by
 -E*E- nomercy can be seen at this LINK.


Weapon toggle for Primary weapon (Degem)

Degem has posted a very useful bind to add to your sof2mp.cfg file.

This can be done in 2 ways.....
Open the console using the ` key and type \bind ENTER "weaptoggle primary secondary" in the console, hit Enter and close console. The effect of doing this will change from your Primary weapon (say AK74) to your Secondary weapon (say M590 Shotty).... I use the ENTER key myself for this you can use any key you want to........

Second way to do this is.......
Locate your sofmp.cfg file usually located in..  C:\Program Files\Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix\RPMPro\sofmp.cfg if you have RPMPro installed if not remove RPMPro from the address..... Open the file using notepad or any other word editing program you use and add the line... \bind ENTER "weaptoggle primary secondary"
Don't forget to save the file before closing it.

Thanks Degem .........



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A word of advice......

You should ALWAYS make a copy of your sof2mp.cfg file before making any changes..... Then if you make a mistake you can copy the original one back.

Use of the above files tips etc. is at your own risk

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